Earlier today, Vivo unveiled its newest product, the vibrant S18 series smartphones, at a lavish ceremony in China. In addition to these developments, vivo unveiled the TWS 3e, an improved version of their inexpensive wireless earbuds. With active noise cancellation, these earbuds support Bluetooth 5.3 connection and offer up to 11 hours of continuous listening on a single charge.
The TWS 3e earbuds showcase 11mm dynamic drivers coupled with a 3D panoramic sound mode, ensuring an immersive spatial audio experience during playback. Their multi-point pairing capability allows simultaneous connectivity to two devices, while the 55ms low latency mode ensures minimal delay.
These earbuds boast an impressive 11-hour playback on a single charge, with the charging case enabling up to 4 full recharges, summing up to a whopping 44 hours of combined playtime.
Available in dark blue and white, the TWS 3e earbuds retail for CNY 180 ($25) in China. They are set to hit the shelves for open sales starting December 22.
Source (in Chinese)