The iQOO 12's official launch date in India is yet unknown, but the company has stated that it would be the first smartphone in the country to use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU. According to this news, the flagship gadget may hit the Indian market in the upcoming weeks. Noteworthy is the fact that the iQOO 12 series will be on sale first in China and then later in India. In addition, we get our first look at the phone's design thanks to a set of allegedly official photos on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo.
On Weibo, recent official renderings of the iQOO 12 series have appeared, providing details about the future models. These images show off an updated camera design with silver edges and a chic White colour option. The back panel of the smartphone features a glass finish that is shiny and has curved corners that seem elegant. It's also significant that iQOO has decided to keep up its collaboration with BMW Motorsport, implying that their joint branding and design components will continue.
The gadget prominently displays the unique colours of the BMW M symbol together with the statement "Fascination Meets Innovation" next to the iQOO logo. It is important to note that this can apply to the iQOO 12 Pro model instead of the regular one. Furthermore, a notable addition to this version is a periscope zoom camera, which enables an incredible 100X digital zoom—a first for the iQOO product series.
The intention of iQOO to launch the iQOO 12 in the Indian market has been formally confirmed. It is noteworthy that this smartphone will be the first to launch in India with the highly regarded Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU.